Event report
Throwback on Meet the CEO - Session #2 – L’Oréal
The second session of our MEET THE CEO program organized by the CCIFT in partnership with La French Tech Taiwan was held by Amy CHEN, CEO of L’Oréal Taiwan in L’Oréal’s Taipei headquarters.
We send our most sincere appreciations to Amy who was very dedicated to help entrepreneurs and embrace the possibility for innovation and growth. She mentioned that through this program, “everything is possible, the door is always open up for innovation and there are many possibilities for both start-ups and CEOs”.
Ms Amy CHEN met startups representatives for series of 1-hour meetings:
- Victoria YANG from L'Hirondelle
- Agnes PENG and Agnes WU from Gliacloud
- Cerise PHIV from Symaps.io
A warm thank you to all of the candidates for sharing their experiences and projects. Special thanks to Ms Yina HUANG for her cooperation and organization.
“Meet the CEO is a real opportunity to have an intimate conversation with the managing director of one of the most renown beauty industries in the world. We earned such a great insight from this experience that can help us grow and excel our business in the future.”
- Agnes PENG, COO of Gliacloud.
“The meeting went perfectly well and Amy could see some openings for the growth of Symaps.io with potential future collaboration with L’Oréal. She provided a very good expertise in the retail sector”
- Cerise PHIV, commercial director of Symaps.io.
#MeetTheCEO is a monthly initiative of the CCIFT in partnership with La French Tech Taiwan that provides opportunities for start-ups and SMEs to connect with a CEO of a large company.