Become a Member

The French Chamber of Taiwan offers 5 tiers of memberships. Depending on the scale of your business and the exposures you wish to obtain, browse to explore our services.

Membership Benefits at a Glance

2024 Membership Benefits


I. Communication

  • Introduction as a new member in the French Chamber Taiwan's Newsletter
  • Online Members Directory book
  • Company listed in the online Members Directory book
  • Access to CCI France International privilege APP
  • Voting rights in all French Chamber Taiwan's elections

II. Events & Workshops

  • Preferential rates for all employees at the French Chamber Taiwan's events and workshops

III. Preferential rates

  • -15% preferential rate on business services


I. Communication

  • Introduction as a new member in the French Chamber Taiwan's Newsletter
  • Online Members Directory book
  • Company listed in the online Members Directory book
  • Access to CCI France International privilege APP
  • Voting rights in all the French Chamber Taiwan's elections

II. Events & Workshops

  • Preferential rates for all employees at the French Chamber Taiwan's events and workshops

III. Preferential rates

  • -10% preferential rate on business services


Authorities & Advocacies (Exclusive to Le Club Concorde only)

  • Dedicated round tables with relevant authorities
  • Specific white-paper for the government (outside of committee work)
  • Tailor-made help to reach officials
  • Lunch or Dinner with selected VIPs at the French Office Director Residence or the French Chamber Taiwan's Chairman


I. Communication

  • Free yearly advertisement and company logo on the French Chamber Taiwan's website
  • Large company logo  in every newsletter
  • Large company logo on our "Benefactor" page in the online Members Directory book
  • 1 free full advertising page in the online Members Directory book
  • Company logo on roll-up banner at the French Chamber Taiwan's office entrance
  • Access to CCI France International privilege APP
  • Voting rights in all the French Chamber Taiwan's elections


II. Events & Workshops

  • 1 free entry for all workshops and trainings
  • Large company logo on banner and promotional material during the French Chamber Taiwan's events
  • 1 free seat and 1 seat at the VIP table for the Gala
  • 4 tickets for the Beaujolais Nouveau evening
  • Preferential rates for all employees at the French Chamber Taiwan's events and workshops


III. Preferential rates

  • -25% preferential rate on business services


I. Communication

  • Free yearly advertisement and company logo on the French Chamber Taiwan's website
  • Company logo stated as "Benefactor" in every newsletter
  • Company logo on our "Benefactor" page in the online Members Directory book
  • 1 free full advertising page in the online Members Directory book
  • Company logo on roll-up banner at the French Chamber Taiwan's office entrance
  • Access to CCI France International privilege APP
  • Voting rights in all the French Chamber Taiwan's elections


II. Events & Workshops

  • 1 free entry for all workshops and trainings
  • Company logo on banner and promotional material during the French Chamber Taiwan's events
  • 1 seat at the VIP table for the Gala and 2 tickets for the Beaujolais Nouveau evening
  • Preferential rates for all employees at the French Chamber Taiwan's events and workshops


III. Preferential rates

  • -20% preferential rate on business services


I. Communication

  • Introduction as a new member in the French Chamber Taiwan's Newsletter
  • Online Members Directory book
  • Company listed in the online Members Directory book
  • Access to CCI France International privilege APP
  • Voting rights in all the French Chamber Taiwan's elections


II. Events & Workshops

  • Preferential rates at the French Chamber Taiwan's events and workshops for the representative only 


III. Preferential rates

  • -10% preferential rate on business services

For any further help regarding the membership, please contact pr(@)