Labor Law & Issues
Labor Standards Act 勞動基準法 CLICK HERE
Enforcement Rules of the Labor Standards Act 勞動基準法施行細則 CLICK HERE
Employment Service Act 就業服務法 CLICK HERE
Occupational Safety and Health Act 職場安全衛生法 CLICK HERE
Labor Insurance Act 勞工保險條例 CLICK HERE
Enforcement Rules of the Labor Insurance Act 勞工保險條例實施細則 CLICK HERE
Regulations of Leave-Taking of Workers 勞工請假規則 CLICK HERE
Labor Inspection Act 勞動檢查法 CLICK HERE
Act for Settlement of Labor-Management Disputes 勞資爭議處理法 CLICK HERE
Act of Gender Equality in Employment 性別工作平等法 CLICK HERE
National Health Insurance Act 全民健康保險法 CLICK HERE
Enforcement Rules of the National Health Insurance Act 全民健康保險法實施細則 CLICK HERE
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