Work Permit & Gold Card Workshop: Essentials for HR
Chamber of Commerce and Industry France Taiwan,
14F-3, No.57 Fuxing North Road, Taipei, Taiwan
See on map
Event language(s)
This is a hybrid event. If you wish to attend in person, please join us at the CCIFT Office. If you wish to join online, a link will be provided to you prior to the event.
Event ended.
人資必備秘笈: 外籍員工工作許可和就業金卡工作坊 (Please note: the event is conducted in Mandarin)
Join this workshop to catch up on Taiwan's latest immigration regulations with CCIFT, People First Relocation Taiwan and the Taiwan Gold Card Office.
Please note the workshop will be conducted in Mandarin. The workshop will cover the following topics:
- Processes and Requirements for filing the online work permits and ARCs
- Comparisons between the Standard and the Special professional work permits and according recommendations
- Current regulations and the visa policy for different passport holders
- Gold Card Program update, trends, and best practices.
Event Information
- The event will be conducted in Mandarin
- This is a free event
- Please indicate whether you'd join online or in-person in the registration form
- There's a cap to 20 persons for the in-person attendance. Small gifts will be prepared for correctly answered quizzes.
- 一般外國專業人才線上申請工作證及ARC程序流程
- 比較一般工作許可證與特別工作許可證差別、建議
- 各國護照在台灣的簽證注意事項以及相關法規
- 台灣就業金卡介紹,當前趨勢和實際範例
- 活動以中文進行
- 本次活動免費參加
- 請於報名表選擇實體或線上參與
- 實體報名限額20位,現場有獎徵答,得獎者準備精美小禮

Event Location

Work Permit & Gold Card Workshop: Essentials for HR
Event ended.
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