Corporate social responsibility • COVID-19 • Events
Your Kindness Lights Up These Darkest Corners
Support Homeless Taiwan Association to make the society warmer.
Our lives in Taiwan are no longer the same after Central Epidemic Command Center raised epidemic warning to level 3 COVID alert.
It hits those who live on the street even harder.
Photo © Plus 多多益善 Stringer HO 何宇軒
All the meal services and water dispensers in public areas are closed. Temporary job opportunities that the homeless had depended on, such as sign holding, dish washing .. etc, have also disappeared. At the first week of level 3 alert, some of them started to search for food in garbage bins for survival.
That's the reason why Homeless Taiwan Association (Wanhua district), Do You A Flavor (Taipei Main Station area) and Salvation Army (Datong and Zhongshan District) started to partner with The Task Force on the Homelessness, Taipei City Social Welfare Department to extend the outreach service to provide food and necessities for those who do not have a home to shelter themselves.

It's roughly 400-500 survival packs consumed everyday to serve the homeless in Wanhua and Taipei Main Station area. Homeless Taiwan Association and Do You A Flavor partner with IMMA (to provide storage and packing service) to resolve the warehouse logistics and also provide job opportunities to those disadvantages who lost their job during the pandemic.
我們粗估每日需準備 400-500 份物資包給在棲息在萬華以及台北車站附近的人們,還好在一個月前就開始和一碼IMMA合作,將如此大量的物資的倉儲和打包流程建立起來,確保街頭上的人們不會斷糧,同時也和夢想城鄉以及浪人食堂合作,提供工作機會給在疫情中失去工作的個案參與物資入庫分類及打包作業。
Homeless Taiwan Association would like to thank those who are willing to share their kindness.
They never thought they would be able to build this up in a short time and all these services are funded by donations.
If you're willing to support them, you can make your donation HERE.
If you'd like to donate food and necessities, they are also working on a system (in Chinese and English) to receive goods (food, water, face mask, sanitizer ...etc). It will be available soon.
If you want to know more context behind the homelessness, they also have innovative program Hidden Taipei to promote a deeper understanding of the homeless issue among the general public. Feel free to join them after the pandemic.
如果除了實際上的協助,你也想知道更多這群人背後的故事,歡迎在疫情之後參與芒草心社會溝通專案: 街遊 Hidden Taipei 的活動,透過導覽、講座、街頭遊戲等方式靠近這群人,理解無家背後的更深層的議題。
About Homeless Taiwan Association

In 2011, a group of seasonal social workers founded Homeless Taiwan Association, aiming to exchange best social work practices and theories about poverty and housing problems with organizations from other eastern asian countries such as Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong.
In 2014, it began to offer direct services to the homeless via a supportive network consists of shelter, social service, employment service, counseling and legal aid… etc. It also founded some innovative programs promoting public awareness of poverty and homeless issues. All programs are aiming to be the base of the two pillars - “Public Communication” and “Enable them to Self-sufficient”. Homeless Taiwan Association hopes to help build networks and enhance the understanding about poverty. Also empower the disadvantages we served not just be able to be self-sufficient but also willing to voice themselves.
2011年由一群服務街友的第一線人員組成, 一開始以國際交流為主,和日本、香港、韓國等地的第一線服務人員分享經驗,互相學習。